It's Baby Safety Month! Check Out These Safety Tips for Your Home and Car
Expecting a newborn is such an exciting time, yet there are so many things to get ready! In honor of September’s Baby Safety Month, we’re rounding up important safety tips for all you expectant mamas out there. Following these tips will help you prepare for your baby and keep them safe.
Baby Proofing Your House
When it comes to baby proofing your house, it’s important to remember how many things can be dangerous to your newborn. Wobbly nightstands, electrical outlets, cabinets, and even your toilet seat can all pose as threats to your little one. The Bump has created a comprehensive checklist of baby proofing before your baby can crawl. Here are a few of the important highlights:
Around the House
- Put safety covers over all electrical outlets.
- Cover all sharp furniture edges and corners with bumpers or safety padding.
- Install smoke detectors on every level of your home and in hallways outside of bedrooms.
In the Nursery
- Finish all painting and wallpapering at least eight weeks before the baby is expected to avoid exposing the baby to any potentially harmful fumes.
- Position the crib away from windows, heaters, lamps, wall decoration and cords.
For the Car
- Install an approved rear-facing car seat in the back seat (in the middle, if possible) and get it inspected (for free!) by a local certified child passenger safety technician.
- Clear the car of any small objects that could be choking hazards, such as coins and pens.
Be sure to read the full checklist at thebump.com!
Baby Safety in the Car
Before your baby even gets to your house, they’ll have to ride in your car. Having the right car seat and installing it correctly is essential to keeping your baby safe.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) outlines everything parents need to know about car seats and booster seats. They recommend:
- Select a car seat based on your child’s age and size, then choose a seat that fits in your vehicle, and use it every time.
- Always refer to your specific car seat manufacturer’s instructions (check height and weight limits) and read the vehicle owner’s manual on how to install the car seat using the seat belt or lower anchors and a tether, if available.
- To maximize safety, keep your child in the car seat for as long as possible, as long as the child fits within the manufacturer’s height and weight requirements.
- Keep your child in the back seat at least through age 12.
Make sure as your baby grows that you get the right car seat and booster seat for their height and weight. Read more at NHTSA’s website to ensure you’re choosing the right car seat and installing it correctly.
House and Car Safety Are Just the Beginning
Your newborn baby will spend most of its time at home or in your car. The first step in baby safety is making sure both of these places are safe for your newborn!
Be sure to check out the Love and Fit blog in two weeks when we’ll cover pool safety and sun-care!